What is Erin’s Law?

Erin’s Law is named after childhood sexual assault survivor, author, speaker and activist Erin Merryn, who is the founder and President of Erin’s Law, which is registered with the State of Illinois and the IRS as a 501 (c)(4) non-profit social welfare organization.

After Erin introduced the legislation in her home state of Illinois, the bill was named “Erin’s Law” after her by legislators and it has caught on nationwide. Illinois is the first state by law to mandate child sexual abuse prevention. Vermont state board of education required this in schools since 2009. As of January 2023 Erin’s Law has been passed in 38 states. Check out Erin’s  interview on CNN from 2018.


“Erin’s Law” requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program which teaches:

  • 1

    Students in grades preK – 12th grade, age-appropriate techniques to recognize child sexual abuse and tell a trusted adult

  • 2

    School personnel all about child sexual abuse

  • 3

    Parents & guardians the warning signs of child sexual abuse, plus needed assistance, referral or resource information to support sexually abused children and their families

Already these state governments have passed Erin’s Law (in this order):

  1. Vermont (State Board of Education has been requiring this since 2009)
  2. Illinois
  3. Missouri
  4. Indiana
  5. Maine
  6. Michigan
  7. Arkansas
  8. Mississippi
  9. Nevada
  10. New Mexico
  11. Utah
  12. Tennessee
  13. New Hampshire
  14. Connecticut
  15. Louisiana
  16. South Carolina
  17. Pennsylvania
  18. Rhode Island
  19. California
  20. West Virginia
  21. Oklahoma
  22. Colorado
  23. Oregon
  24. Alabama
  25. Alaska
  26. Maryland
  27. Delaware
  28. North Dakota
  29. Montana
  30. Minnesota
  31. Texas
  32. Wyoming
  33. Washington
  34. Virginia
  35. Georgia
  36. New Jersey
  37. New York
  38. Ohio

It is now pending in these additional states, with more to come:

  1. Massachusetts
  2. Florida
  3. Kentucky
  4. Iowa
  5. Kansas
  6. Nebraska
  7. South Dakota
  8. Hawaii
  9. Arizona
  10. Idaho
  11. North Carolina
  12. Wisconsin

Featured Videos

Erin Merryn Founder of Erin's Law

November 29, 2017

Erin Talks with Oprah

October 2010