3 months until release date
I am a day late in this post but was very busy yesterday at our annual beach picnic where I was in charge of all the kids games. (sack races, marshmallow race, bean bag race, water balloon toss, tug of war, etc.) I filled up 500 water balloons and have a great video thanks to my boyfriend Ryan of the water balloon toss which most everyone participated in at the beach. It was a beautiful sunny hot summer day. Couldn’t have asked for better weather especially with the crazy Midwest weather we have been getting.
Yesterday Aug 2nd was the 3 month mark of the release of my second book. I will be getting into more details about it once we get closer on what you can expect when reading “Living For Today” the title says a lot of what I want readers to walk away with. The message of not living for the past but for “Today.” It is a message of encouragement, hope, forgiveness, and finding peace.
You can preorder your copy today on amazon
If your in the Chicago land area I am planning some book signings in the suburbs and city so I hope when I have those dates you will come out.
Finally I already have an idea for a 3rd book. Keep the rest of that to myself, but I have been brainstorming lately.
Will post pictures later of some summer fun.