Please vote on your favorite cover design
This week my editor Michele from my amazing publishing company Health Communications Inc. emailed me with what I have been waiting to see the cover designs for my next book “Living For Today” that will be published in the Fall. I must say opening the document with the designs was like opening a Christmas present […]
It has been nearly a year in February since I was in a relationship and there is good reason for that. I had been dating a guy for five months when he decided to end things in an email of all things because he could not longer live by my morals and values. A month […]
Some of my favorite quotes I live by:“Forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future.” You gain strength, courage, and confidence by each […]
The death of Innocence
You raped me that day. You had oral sex with me. Other things I am too afraid to say. Things I didn’t know what they were at that precious age. I didn’t think there was anything worse then the pain of being raped but there was. It was the terror of thinking I was […]
A word I hate to be identified with
Last night I went to dinner with a childhood friend I met ten years ago this month. She was one of the girls I met through the Children’s Advocacy Center in a group I was in. The greatest thing that came out of that group was the friendships I developed many of which I still […]
The New Year…2009
I am truly happy to close the door on 2008 and welcome in the new year of 2009. What does a new year bring? I look at it as a fresh start or a new door opening. Another chapter of our lives to begin. Reflecting back on 2008 it immediately started off in January 12 […]
Merry Christmas!
I hope this holiday season is filled with love and happiness. I know for so many holidays can be bittersweet. While many think of it as a joyous time there are many in our world who are without their loved ones this year who may have passed away, live too far to visit and cannot […]
Snow day
This is what you get when you live in the Midwest. Mornings digging your car out of snow, leaving for work an hour early and still being late, taking two hours to get home instead of a half hour. The plus side to living with all the white fluff of snow came yesterday when two […]
This is going to be short.. I am already late for work! Check out article on website.. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
No time
15 years later 1993 Lake Geneva, Wisconsin June 1993 Last Day of School! It has been a few weeks since I posted anything. I have been swamped. Work at the high school is consuming me. I am writing long social development studies on students. I have to get 4 more done by Dec. 17th. It […]