Child Abuse
It was Friday the 13th………
It was Friday the 13th of March 1998 the last time I was ever abused. I can say I have never seen any of the Friday the 13th movies for good reason. I already felt like I was in my own horror movie on Friday the 13th when I was 13 years old. I didn’t […]
Forgiveness Leads to Freedom
Forgiving those that hurt you You can watch the entire service by clicking on the link above. This is the message spoken from the heart that was shared at my church on Sunday and now is the first thing you see on my website. If you have ever wondered how I have become to be […]
Erin’s Birthday Wish! Support Erin’s Law!
Here I am the day I was born 27 yrs ago Feb. 2nd 1985. My mother gave birth to me at home on a waterbed, all natural after 57 hours of labor. I was delivered by the same midwife that delivered my father 30 years earlier. He came all the way from the North Pole […]
A Christmas Letter
Watercolor painting of Erin as a child done by Michal Madison Please support Erin’s Law in joining hands for justice and healing by donating here. After a scary end to 2010 where I had my 2nd seizure that placed me in the hospital for 6 days the resilient person I am bounced back and just […]
Penn State/Syracuse University Scandals, Erin’s Law News
Should schools teach sexual abuse education? Watch video below on Erin’s Law New York news with sponsor of Erin’s Law Senator Valesky Nov. 20, 2011 Article in Auburn, N.Y. paper today Nov. 20, 2011 Erin’s Law would mandate sexual abuse education-Auburn, New York 3 Weeks ago here I was introducing “Erin’s Law” in Syracuse, New […]
Alabama, Stedman Graham, Taking Care of Myself
Two weeks ago I was speaking in Washington for the YWCA. Here is the article from that event. Then there was a follow up article on the success of the event. Friday morning I got up early for an 8am flight to Atlanta and then onto Alabama where I was speaking at the U.S. Space […]
Please Send a Letter to Arne Duncan on Erin’s Law
Copy the letter below and paste into word document, read, sign, print, and put it in the mail asap. I am hoping to have everyone send this letter a month before I speak. Snail mail is the way to go as we will get a better response that way. You can do both and snail […]
A week away from technology…could you do it?
Could you walk away from technology for a week? Have your phone and computer taken away with no away of using it. A week away from television. Well I am about to experience that as I turn off my computer tomorrow night and turn off my cell phone Sunday morning as I begin a week […]
In the News
Since many articles these days are starting to not allow you to read them directly online without paying I often cannot post an article in a city I spoke in without you being able to read it. Articles from Illinois, Michigan, and across the sea from me in London. London Times article last week. Working […]
On the News in Texas
ERIN MERRYN HABLA SOBRE EL ABUSO SEXUAL DURANTE CONFERENCIA Click on the link above to get just one section of where I spoke today in Laredo, Texas. If you don’t know Spanish you will still be able to grasp what the interview was about. I don’t know Spanish but I do hear them say my […]