An Unimaginable Act
I begin my third book: An Unimaginable Act with the introduction describing the worst day of my life at just the tender age of 6 weeks shy of my 7th birthday. Details of that day that have never been made public before. Details I have only ever shared with a therapist, my husband, and editor […]
Lots of news on Erin’s Law across the country
“If you believe you can achieve!” 11 months after Erin’s law was signed by my own Governor of Illinois and 6 months since Missouri Governor Jay Nixon signed it this week New York senate has introduced the bill and has been assigned to be heard by the Senate Education Committee. (Erin’s Law N.Y. Language) I […]
Penn State/Syracuse University Scandals, Erin’s Law News
Should schools teach sexual abuse education? Watch video below on Erin’s Law New York news with sponsor of Erin’s Law Senator Valesky Nov. 20, 2011 Article in Auburn, N.Y. paper today Nov. 20, 2011 Erin’s Law would mandate sexual abuse education-Auburn, New York 3 Weeks ago here I was introducing “Erin’s Law” in Syracuse, New […]
Please Send a Letter to Arne Duncan on Erin’s Law
Copy the letter below and paste into word document, read, sign, print, and put it in the mail asap. I am hoping to have everyone send this letter a month before I speak. Snail mail is the way to go as we will get a better response that way. You can do both and snail […]
Child Abuse Awareness Month
April is Child Abuse Awareness Month It is an important month to recognize that children are being abused at this very moment and they need to be empowered to use their voice to break their silence. I broke my silence in a Children’s Advocacy Center during the month of April 13 years ago. It is […]
Erin’s Law in Missouri
Missouri Senator Ryan McKenna has been following Erin’s law and attached a bill to it in Missouri. Missouri Senate Bill 286 develops the task force for age appropriate curriculum on sexual abuse in schools. I was asked to come testify in Missouri to the Senate but had to send my testimony in through video. Today […]